VANCOUVER, BC, 31 March 2021 – Syniad Innovations Inc (“Syniad”) is pleased to announce that the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing research cluster (“AMM”) at UBC has posted another significant success, with the award of $8m in new Canadian Foundation for Innovation (“CFI”) funding.
AMM is a cluster of 40 researchers whose research focuses on transformative manufacturing, the principal development of new products and processes for a decarbonized future (including clean energy manufacturing, lightweight and low energy, low waste additive manufacturing). Syniad has supported the AMM team in an advisory capacity since 2014 and has been directly involved in the group’s significant successes. These successes include today’s major $8m grant in advanced additive manufacturing and previous milestones such as the national Composites Knowledge Network (Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada), the launch of Canada’s only undergraduate programme in advanced manufacturing which represented a strategic investment in 14 new faculty positions at UBC, a 2017 $12m CFI award in clean energy manufacturing, the establishment in 2019 of the Large E-Beam Additive Manufacturing facility at UBC. Overall, Syniad has been involved in well over $70m of incremental funding to the cluster.
John Davies, Syniad’s CEO, commented, “The AMM team at UBC is one of the global leaders in advanced manufacturing research – with a long history of technical excellence and a Rolodex of industry engagements with companies like Boeing, Timet, Airbus, Pratt & Whitney, Johnson Matthey and Toyota. We’ve worked with AMM since 2014, and so it is with real pleasure that we offer our warmest congratulations to Professor Poole, who led this most recent success. We’re looking forward to more to come in the future.”
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