Chemistry + simulation

Our investment thesis majors on two critical areas of scientific endeavour: the discovery of novel compositions of matter and development of entirely new ways to simulate phenomena.

Biomimcry 01
Quantum Technologies 02
Cognition 03
Advanced Materials 04

Biomimicry is the emulation of nature to solve complex human problems. Industries such as mining, chemicals, energy and agriculture that rely on nature benefit from adopting biomimetic technologies.

Quantum technologies rely on the properties of quantum mechanics to better sense, compute and communicate. These technologies will have wide-ranging applications and will be vastly faster than today’s computers, networks and electronics.

Cognition is the process of learning something new, and enables us to have the capabilities to solve complex challenges faster and repeatably. Data intensive industries such as manufacturing, health, construction and finance stand to benefit from the adoption of cognitive technologies.

Advanced materials solve fundamental problems to make products more efficient, sustainable, less expensive, and better performing, key attributes necessary for widespread adoption of any product. High-performance industries such as aerospace, automotive, defence, energy and construction stand to benefit from the adoption of advanced materials.

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