Syniad’s mission is to transform breakthrough research into globally significant companies, to address major societal and environmental challenges. The business was founded in Vancouver in 2016 on the basis of a purpose-driven investment thesis and a philosophy of proactively engaging with world-class researchers much earlier than traditional sources of capital.
Today, the Syniad team works with universities and research institutes across Canada and the USA, to create exceptional returns for its stakeholders and partners.
Our vision
Identify, curate and commercialize the technologies of our shared future.

From Research
to Value

Academic research is one of the great drivers of human progress. We urgently need better ways of bridging the gap between the university lab and real-world applications.
Syniad has a proven process for identifying acute challenges, mapping the solution space and building ventures based on world-class research.

How We Work

Great science can come from unexpected sources. We engage proactively with research teams, in the lab, identifying opportunities much earlier than traditional capital.
The most important companies of the future will be built on ingenuity of visionary researchers, almost always, overcoming challenges that can’t be addressed in just one research domain.
We build our ventures around a purpose driven investment thesis, weighted towards the intersection of advanced computation (simulation) and novel chemistries (matter).